Random Thoughts

I have several friends who are going through hard times of various kinds right now. Some are marriage and family-related, some job-related, some health-related, some friendship-related. I tell you, considering some of the heartbreak that my friends (all devoted Christians) are going through, I can’t fathom how people make it through life without Christ.


Tonight after class, I saw one of my students from when I helped in the five year-old class on Wednesday nights last quarter. She ran up to me and gave me a big hug. What a great feeling to not only be remembered by a former student, but to be shown appreciation (and especially without being prompted to do so by their parents)!

I was reminded that teachers of all ages need to be shown appreciation. Has your life been touched by a school teacher, a teacher at church, or someone who teaches by their example? Take some time to show your appreciation to them this week.

One thought on “Random Thoughts

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  1. I was reminded in a sermon I heard recently that Satan does not bother you when you are not a threat…sometimes Christians have a rougher go of things….(but we win!)


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