The Weekend that Wasn’t & A Book Review: Wellth

Since I had a work function last Saturday evening (and thus felt like I didn’t have much of a weekend), I was very much looking forward to this weekend. I took yesterday off from work in anticipation of getting some errands run before attending a book club meeting scheduled for last night, and I was registered for a 5K this morning that I’d been looking forward to running in.

Sadly, my weekend plans have been shelved after I woke up yesterday with a nasty head cold. I managed to muster the energy to get some errands run, but decided it would be in both mine and my book club members’ best interest for me to keep my germs at home last night. I’d hoped I’d be feeling better today so that I could at least walk, if not run, in the 5K, but this morning I was still pretty congested and coughing. This 5K, which I’ve run in the past few years, is always one of my favorites–it’s well-organized, has a ton of community support and a fantastic after-party to boot–so it was particularly hard to nix my plans to participate.

So what I’d intended to be a fun-filled weekend has turned into one filled with lots of kleenex, copious amounts of hot and sour soup, and plenty of rest. After an afternoon nap today I’m feeling a bit better, well enough to at least tackle the laundry and clean my bathroom. Perhaps tomorrow I’ll feel well enough to leave the house.

On the plus side, being unexpectedly sidelined has given me more time to catch up on my reading and add to the list of books in my 2016 Reading Challenge. Here’s a review of one of my latest reads:

Book Review: Wellth by Jason Wachob


Considering that I’m going through a challenging time at work right now that is making me contemplate my future both at my current job and in my career field altogether, it’s probably not surprising that I would be drawn to a book with a subtitle like “How I Learned to Build a Life, Not a Resume”. Jacob Wachob is the founder and CEO of MindBodyGreen, a lifestyle brand and website dedicated to healthy living. In his book, he shares his experiences with transitioning from the rat race of being a stock broker to a more balanced lifestyle focusing on health and happiness.

The book is divided into chapters that examine a particular aspect of Wachob’s “wellth”, from nutrition and exercise to faith to love and gratitude. In addition to sharing his own life story, he includes anecdotes and advice from experts in various fields. While I’m not sure that I had any big “a-ha” moments while reading it, the book did remind me that there is much more to life than investing all of my time and energy into work. My life has felt a bit off-balance lately, and reading Wellth is inspiring me to refocus and take better care of myself.

I received this book for free for review from Blogging for Books. All opinions stated are my own and I was under no obligation to offer a positive review. 

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